Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chimpanzees in commercials!!

Why are chimpanzees so funny. I have no idea but I do know that the marketing indaustry has adapted it as its true and faithful mascot. I do not remember the last super bowl that did not have an advertisement featuring a chimp.

NO worries though, I hope the trend continues long into the future. Some of the shorts today are so bad I wouldn't ming snl being replaced by monkeys as well. You cant write that kind of simple comedy.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl Commercials

This year seemed to have a lot more violent commercials than past super bowls. I am wandering why it seemed every other commercial had someone getting hurt?

It is funny though, just seems a little lazy on the advertisers part to use physical humor soo often. I guess at thirty million dollars a minute you go with what works.