Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kool-aid man profile

Hey isn't the koolaid man creepy. If he was a superhero, would he be good or bad. The koolaid company would try and tell you he would be good. Here are some details that might help you decide for yourself.
NAME: Kool-Aid Man
REAL NAME: Pitcher Man (Circa 1975)
First Appearance: The Adventures of Kool-Aid Man #1 (1983)
Last Appearance: The Adventures of Kool-Aid Man #6 (1989)


Indestructible adamantium pitcher with built in gyroscopic stabilizer, capable of smashing through reinforced concrete without spilling a single drop.

Cool, refreshing taste all kids love.

Powerful "Oh, Yeah!" battle cry strikes fear into the heart of villains.

Only useful in thirst-related crises, #12 red dye provides lousy camoflage, inability to use doors, gates, or other conventional means of entrance.


The thirsties; a ruthless race of spikey-haired gremlins with advanced weaponary and spacefaring technology light years ahead of our own, dedicated to making the citizens of earth tremble in minor inconvenience.

New Marketing Style (Crayola)

We have seen lately a new form of marketing. This new style of marketing involves companies branding themselves with other irrelevant products. As discussed in class, Crayola has embarked on marketing itself with different products like toothbrushes. While at the store I recently noticed the string cheese with the craloya advertisements as well. What does string cheese have to with crayola? I have no idea, but I guess the more advertising the better, especcially at thing young impact age of the target market of string cheese eating children.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chimpanzees in commercials!!

Why are chimpanzees so funny. I have no idea but I do know that the marketing indaustry has adapted it as its true and faithful mascot. I do not remember the last super bowl that did not have an advertisement featuring a chimp.

NO worries though, I hope the trend continues long into the future. Some of the shorts today are so bad I wouldn't ming snl being replaced by monkeys as well. You cant write that kind of simple comedy.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl Commercials

This year seemed to have a lot more violent commercials than past super bowls. I am wandering why it seemed every other commercial had someone getting hurt?

It is funny though, just seems a little lazy on the advertisers part to use physical humor soo often. I guess at thirty million dollars a minute you go with what works.